a la Quentin Tarantino...
ou vc ama ou vc odeia
Neste filme, Tarantino oferece a sua versão da história da II Guerra Mundial, produzindo uma sátira em que um grupo de oito soldados americanos judeus, comandados por um tenente sulista, Brad Pitt, têm como missão entrar na França então ocupada pelo a Alemanha e matar soldados nazis.

'Los abrazos rotos' relata la historia de Lena (Penélope Cruz), una aspirante a actriz con poca fortuna, que consigue protagonizar una película gracias a su amante, un rico 'broker' del estilo de los 80, al que interpreta José Luis Gómez. Éste, convencido de que todo puede manejar a todo el mundo a su antojo, está obsesionado por Lena, por lo que decide convertirse en productor de una película en la que ella será la protagonista. Y teniendo el control absoluto sobre sus movimientos.
Así, 'colocará' a su hijo —un homosexual amargado que luego buscará venganza— en el rodaje, con la excusa de hacer el 'making of' del filme, para que le tenga al tanto de la actividad de Lena.
Además de Cruz, en esa historia dentro de la otra historia aparecen Chus Lampreave (con un papel similar al de portera testigo de Jehová que interpretaba en 'Mujeres'), Rossi de Palma, que da vida a la esposa desequilibrada del novio de Cruz en la película, y Kiti Manver.
Como sucedía en 'Volver', no falta el homenaje a sus mitos cinematográficos. En concreto, al de Roberto Rossellini y su película 'Viaje a Italia', en la que Ingrid Bergman sufre al ver, en las ruinas de Pompeya, a una pareja que murió abrazada. Un amor que ella no siente por su marido.
Penélope, la estrella
Melena suelta y muy guapa. La reciente ganadora del Oscar a la mejor actriz de reparto por 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona', ha aparecido ante la prensa con un vestido de color rojo. Como siempre que está al lado de Almodóvar, se vuelve casi una niña. Es su mentor. No para de repetir que nunca le agradecerá lo suficiente al director manchego que la haya convertido en "su actriz".
Hasta ahora, Penélope siempre hablaba de "Pedro". Pero en esta presentación, decía simplemente "él". No hace falta nombrarle para saber de quién habla. "Sólo tengo buenos recuerdos de mis cuatro trabajos con él. Y que haya tenido la generosidad de darme este personaje que no se parece nada a mí ni a lo que había hecho".
"El Oscar se ha venido conmigo a España y aquí se queda". Dice que lo va a guardar en su casa de Madrid. La actriz contaba que de los viajes que le ha dado, lo tiene medio rayado, pero que así es mejor, "que tenga vida".
Cuenta, sonriendo, que todos sus amigos quieren tocarlo, besarlo. "Ha sido toda una experiencia llevarlo en el aeropuerto y decirle al de seguridad cuando vio algo raro dentro de la maleta: 'no, es que llevo un Oscar'". Claro que, según Almodóvar, "o eres tan famoso como Penélope Cruz o si no tienes problemas". Y lo cuenta por experiencia: "El guardia no se creyó que fuera de verdad".

Accountant Jonathan McQuarry (Ewan McGregor) is an auditor with little to no social life. One night while working late in a boardroom he is interrupted by a lawyer, Wyatt Bose (Hugh Jackman), who befriends him and offers him marijuana. After a long conversation, Jonathan takes the subway home where he has a brief encounter with a blond woman (Michelle Williams) while waiting on the train. Upon returning home he notices a pipe in his bedroom is leaking and leaving a stain.
Jonathan contacts Wyatt the next day and they play tennis after work. Afterward they stop by Wyatt's lavish apartment where Jonathan borrows an expensive suit. They meet again for lunch the next day and upon leaving, Wyatt intentionally takes Jonathan's mobile phone instead of his own, forcing a trade. He mentions he will be in London on business for the next few weeks.
When Jonathan realizes the phones have been switched he attempts to contact Wyatt but does not reach him. He is soon contacted by a woman (Natasha Henstridge) who asks if he is free that night. He informs her that he is and agrees to meet her. When she arrives they proceed directly to a hotel room to have sex and Jonathan realizes that Wyatt must be on some type of exclusive list.
When Wyatt calls the next day he encourages Jonathan to continue his participation with other list members. Upon doing so he has an encounter with an older woman (Charlotte Rampling) who explains more of the list's rules: the initiator pays for the room, no names are exchanged, there is no conversation and no rough play. Jonathan continues to participate over the next few weeks with several anonymous partners.
One night after initiating another encounter, Jonathan is surprised to find that his partner is the blond woman he met while waiting for the train. When she begins to undress he stops her and tells her that they had met once before. He requests that she have dinner with him and they order room service and talk for hours. The next day Jonathan rejects other callers from the list but when the blond woman calls again they agree to meet for dinner in Chinatown. They then proceed to a hotel where she requests some ice. When Jonathan returns to the room she is gone and there is blood on the bedsheets. Someone knocks him out from behind and when he wakes up the bed has been made. He contacts the police and explains to the Detective (Lisa Gay Hamilton) that the woman is missing but that he has little to no information about her. She doubts his story and his sanity. Jonathan tries to trace Wyatt and is told that he is not known at the law firm or the apartment.
Upon returning home Jonathan is surprised to find Wyatt waiting for him and demanding that he steal millions from the corporation he will begin to audit in a few days. Jonathan does so but only because he fears for the safety of the blond woman. He completes a wire transfer to a bank in Europe in his name but secretly adds Wyatt's name as cosigner. When he returns home he notices that a picture Wyatt had sent of the blond woman being held captive was taken in his apartment before the pipe started leaking. He realizes that she must have been a conspirator and wisely avoids his apartment which explodes when the superintendent enters to fix the pipe. When Wyatt impersonates Jonathan and attempts to withdraw the funds from the bank he is denied access because of the cosigner. Jonathan agrees to help him withdraw the funds but only if Wyatt splits it with him. After the transaction is complete, Wyatt attempts to shoot Jonathan but before he is able to do so he is shot by the blond woman who quickly leaves. Jonathan leaves the money behind to pursue her and asks her to talk to him but the girl tells him that she wants to call it off and apologizes to him as she didn't know Wyatt was going to kill him. The girl gets into a cab and leaves as Jonathan watches her go. Later in Spain, Jonathan again crosses path with the blond woman and they exchange smiles. The movie comes to a close as Jonathan walks to her and she stands waiting for him.

Quando a poderosíssima editora de livros Margaret (Sandra Bullock) se vê diante da deportação para o seu país de origem, o Canadá, a executiva de raciocínio rápido declara que na verdade está noiva de seu desprevenido e injustiçado assistente Andrew (Ryan Reynolds), que ela atormenta há anos. Ele concorda em participar da farsa, mas com algumas condições. O casal viaja para o Alasca para conhecer a excêntrica família dele e a “garota-da-cidade-sempre-no-controle” se vê em diferentes situações cômicas. Com o casamento improvisado sendo organizado e o oficial de imigração atrás deles, Margaret e Andrew relutantemente seguem seu plano, apesar das consequências.

Philippe Abrams es director de correos de Salon-de-Provence. Esta casado con Julie, que con su carácter depresivo le hace la vida imposible. Para hacerla contenta, Philippe comete una estafa para que lo trasladen a la Costa Azul. Pero le descubren y lo trasladan a Berges, un pueblecito al norte de Francia. Para los Abrams, sudistas y llenos de prejuicios, el norte es terrible, un lugar helado, lleno de gente rústica, que hablan de manera incomprensible, el “cheutimi”. Philippe irá solo. Y para su sorpresa, descubrirá un lugar fantástico, unos compañeros amables, gente acogedora, y además encuentra un amigo: Antoine, el cartero y el hombre que toca las campanas en el pueblo, con una madre posesiva y que sufre de desamores. Cuando Philippe vuelve a Salon, Julie no quiere creer que él es feliz en el norte, piensa que le está mintiendo para que se traslade con él. Para simplificarse la vida, y contentar a Julie, Philippe le hace creer que efectivamente su vida es un infierno en Bergues. A partir de entonces, su vida se vuelve una confortable mentira.
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